Sunday, May 29, 2011

Photo Diary of the Weekend

Mom, her college friend, Gail, and I have spent the weekend up at our family place in Maine.  My amazing sister from another mother, Dahlia, bought me a camera for graduation and I have been snapping photos all over the place.  The quality is really ridiculous and I wanted to try posting photos so here goes nothing :)

Mom says "hi!"  She likes wine on the back dock. Me too!

Foggy Morning view of Great Pond and Indian and Crooked Islands.

Hammock and bitty flowers. 

View off the back of a cabin out on the water - personally selected writing location for the day. 

Back dock when the sun finally came out!

Post sunset glow

cool water shot! I love my new camera!

Night time boat ride which failed because the engine died and we had to paddle back - but pretty night!