My house is literally crawling in animals. Recently, one of our hens had chicks and they are adorable.
This first photo is a classic picture of what all our animals do - try and enter the kitchen. Most of them are successful.
I just think they're really cute - so I took another picture of them. If you are wondering why I am taking photos of chickens and not of my family, Peruvians really don't like having their picture taken it seems. My host mom thought I was taking pictures of her and not the chickens, and it was a really awkward moment. I'll work on it...
We also have four ducks - used to have six but we sold two. I sit outside on a bench sometimes in the morning and watch them wander around, among other things. I've decided that they closely resemble characters from Pride and Prejudice. There is one male duck, who looks like a demon, and hisses at this other female duck, following her around everywhere. I named him Mr. Wickham. The duck he follows everywhere I named Lizzie. Then Lydia wanders around fretting all the time, and tries to make herself known to Mr. Wickham, and he pays her no attention. The last one is a brown duck, pretty chill, just kind of sits around. I named her Jane. I know, life in the campo is making me crazy.
not all the ducks - one is hidden behind the wood, and one is a hen. Wickham is front and center. Picture was taken on a wet and rainy Christmas morning. |
This pig make a really ridiculous amount of squealing noises on a regular basis. I try to ignore it. We have 5 pigs. Well, now we have four actually. The other day my host mom came into my room and told me her pig had died. I asked if she needed help with anything, she just asked me to come look, which was weird. Apparently the pig had tried to fly off the back ledge where it lives, behind the cuy (guinea pig) house. It broke its neck and was just lying on the ground, slightly grey. I couldn't see its face, just its little tail and slumped body. It was a bit sad. Anyway, Christmas morning, this pig was straining against its leash thing to try to eat some freshly plopped chicken poop.
That's the animal update - more coming soon. :)
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