Friday, June 29, 2012

Fun Photos

My host mom gave me this fruit.  It's called Chirimoya.  It has a bunch of big seeds insides, but it's delicious...except for the parts that have gone slightly bad...the slighty rotten parts taste like dirty feet.

I'm pretty pumped about this weird little pink box.  I made it for my external hard drive out of a mac and cheese box, pink duct tape, and yarn.

Sooo I've been nauseous for 3 months and I finally got permission from the Peace Corps doctors to have a stool sample done.  I went to the clinic and they gave me this TINY little vial.  HOW am I supposed to poop in that tiny little vial?  ...Got the analysis back and I have three parasites.  Named them Hortense, Hubert, and Mortimer.

Most recent photo of me.  I'd just I looked human for 10 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. You look beauuuuutifuuuul! Maybe get a family photo with Hortense, Hubert, and Mortimer? Hope this means you'll start to feel better quickly!
