Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Learning Spanish In a Nutshell

To demonstrate my experience in my four hours of spanish class everyday, I give you four words.


Question:  What do we notice about these words?

Correct Answer: They are only different by one vowel.

Their meanings:

mesa - table
masa - pie/cake crust
misa - Catholic Mass
mosa - waiter

I think that should just about wrap up that whole explanation.

Good news - I have been working hard and on week 4 (last week) we had individual 30 minute interviews with the spanish teachers to reevaluate where we were with spanish.  They recorded them, which was a little intimidating, but Monday they posted the results and I jumped up 2 whole spanish levels!  I have already passed their requirement so I'm cruising.  Feels good and I'm still learning a lot.

Downside - I am already forgetting words in English.  Example:  Today we had a sheet of pictures of things typically found in the kitchen, like frying pans, mixing bowls, spoons, etc.  I learned the word "licuadora" and wrote it down next to a picture of something you would use to make fruit smoothies but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was in english.  I stared at the picture for a minute before I asked my friend what it was called in english.  "Blender" she said.  Wow.

So that about sums up my spanish.


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