Saturday, September 10, 2011


I have realized how bad I've been at including peace corps details about new information and such, and I will do all in my power to rectify that situation in the next couple of days.  I suppose it's lacking presence is due mostly to the fact that there really isn't that much to tell.  One detail I can fill you in on, is that my training class for when I get to Peru is called Peru 18, we have about 67 people in the training class, and we have a facebook group.  Everyone seems amazing so far, and we've all been posting about how terribly our spanish interviews went on the phone, asking packing and planning questions, posting dates for the various concerts that will be in Lima while we are there (pearl jam, damian marley, and performing the day before I take an oath to protect and uphold the US constitution - Britney, bitch) and generally just getting straight up excited.  It's been helpful and exciting and anxiety reducing.  All good things.


Today, our little post-happy group provided some general amusement, which was far too good not to share.  I went onto our group this evening and one of the other volunteers had posted, "Spelunking? Who's down?"  He posted a photo of himself with a headlamp on his head and the light turned on.  I copied the photo off our site and pasted it below:

I don't know about you, but I have never heard the term "spelunking".  It sounded like something you'd see on urban dictionary.  I couldn't help my curiosity, so I went on google and just typed in "spelunking".  The second website in the list that popped up was urban dictionary, and since I sort of assumed it was an urban dictionary type thing, I read the definition which said the following: "the act of exploring for the missing condom after deep penetration." hahahahahahahaha  with the headlamp hahahahah I laughed so hard.
I figured since the group is guarded and no one would actually post a picture of themselves for that I found the merriam-webster dictionary definition, which said " the hobby or practice of exploring caves".   Well, we can certainly see where the slang came from.  Still. HILARIOUS.  ...and for whatever reason, being someone who never particularly suffered from shyness, I sent him a facebook message and told him what had happened because I thought he shouldn't miss a good laugh.

I wish I could post the picture of him in the headlamp bahahahah

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